Genres of Magazines

     On this post I will be mentioning the different types of genres of magazines. Some genres of magazines include: nature, entertainment, travel, business and finance, culinary, medical, and many more but those are the most popular ones. Some magazines are used to give helpful tips and others are made only for entertainment purposes.
     Nature magazines include information about animals and their habitat also, images of different vegetation. Entertainment magazines include the news in different types of sports and television shows or movies that are airing. Travel magazines include different places around the world to travel and helpful tips you can use whilst traveling. Business and finance magazines give tips that people trying to climb up in the business world can use. Culinary magazines are pretty much like a cook book, they give tips on how to cook and different types of meals to prepare.The medical magazines are ones usually seen in the doctors office or in a hospital. Medical magazines give information about the medical world and give tips on how someone can live a healthier life.



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